Friday, August 03, 2007

casse' - broken

O ye of lost faith..

behold and trust
the sight
you are about to see

a world upturned
for no reason .. no fun

only pain remaining ..
for all to see!

hanging on thin threads

of fading glory,scattered hope!

turned away from light
stopping only to reflect and mope..
drowned in clouds of mahogany
drenched in layers of sheen
all are but memories...

latched and locked
survivors.. of battles fought ..
memoirs of how things used to be..
do not cross our path

we maybe broken

we are not yet lost
we carry marks of grief
we carry it as hope
in remembrance of what we were
in respect .. to all that was before

Scene ~ A Visit to the museum


AakASH!!! said...

Museum of Memories? Nice imagery.

Ravali said...

wow anki, your recent posting are really transforming. and their personalities a a bit similar - all the works you have written in this past month. your mind, seems to be hung around a few things that keep producing very beautiful thoughts. part mortal and part immortal thoughts.

humbl devil said...

is that zarasthutra???

a museum visit prompted this piece???

Anki said...

@aakash: hmm.. had not thought of it that way before writing it.. but it was probably a "museum of memory" which i wanted to describe..

I writing without any particular thought.. but had an image of a museum with all relics of past scattered arnd, in my mind..

glad u liked it :)

@ravali: yeah i do believe i have been dwelling on some thoughts.. and whenever i feel i may get trapped in those thghts.. i use the opportunity to turn them into something creative instead..
My mom always advised to use my 'khali' time in getting a creative output.

@devil: i think, i am one of those who has enough imagination to visit a place.. even if i am not "actually" visiting it :)
glad u liked it !!

Octpowrimo - #11 - Connect

crowded queues varied views tragic news! I seek to escape... need to over-generalize. Each viewpoint - its own faded hue orange, reds and bl...